Saturday, June 9, 2007

Keith, lobi Yahudi dan LBM

Denger-denger Mr. Keith ini bisa sukses setelah melakukan "bargaining" dengan mendukung hak-hak untuk aborsi dan kaum gay.
Beliau sempet hampir dijegal karena pernah dekat dengan Louis Farakhan.
Anyway, semoga beliau bisa membawa aspirasi kaum Muslim di sana, serta mampu menghembuskan angin perubahan di Kongres USA.
Terutama atas pandangan mereka terhadap Islam dan Muslim.
Walau kasian juga, bagaimana nanti dia harus mempertanggungjawabkan di hadapan-Nya, andaikan dia tetap dipaksa memenuhi "bargaining"-nya itu.

Pertanyaan-nya, apakah anda yakin akan ada angin perbaikan, secara general, begitu tampuk kekuasaan (termasuk Presiden USA 2 tahun kemudian), dari kubu Republik ke kubu Demokrat?
Selama lobby Yahudi begitu kuat menguasai badan legislatif dan eksekutif di sana, hal itu hampir musykil terjadi.
So What Gitu Lho?
Yahh, paling gak kita berharap Demokrat agak lebih mendingan lah daripada Republik, walau Demokrat pada Pemilu lalu sempat mencalonkan David Lieberman, si Yahudi, untuk jadi Cawapres.

BTW, Benny Moerdani dan Soedomo, penganut Katholik setia yang pernah menjadi momok buat Muslim di Indonesia, konon ayahnya (masing-masing) adalah seorang kyai berpengaruh di daerahnya.
Beliau menjadi Katholik karena ikut Ibunya.
Tentang Jenderal Benny, memang banyak sisi menariknya.
Syukurlah, Allah masih gak menghendaki umat Islam lebih di pressure dengan naiknya Jenderal Benny (LBM).
LBM ini saat masa jayanya, sebelum 1988,sangat kuat posisinya, dan termasuk salah satu jenderal terbaik dalam sejarah TNI.
Dia lah yang memimpin penumpasan hijack pesawat Woyla di Bangkok oleh Imran dari JI.
Dia sendiri sudah menyiapkan orang-orangnya di berbagai posisi TNI, dan konon saat itu kalau dia mau kudeta militer, maka akan mudah saja dilakukan.

Namun dia punya planning, setelah jabatan Pangab dan Menhan, dia akan naik ke posisi Wapres, baru kemudian menggunting Pak Harto.
BeruntungPak Harto punya konsep anti "Ratu Kembar" (wong Jowo pasti tau lah).
Menjelang SU MPR 1988, tiba-tiba posisinya sebagai Pangab digantikan oleh Jenderal Try Sutrisno, dan Golkar tiba-tiba memajukan Sudharmono, yang sebenarnya gak populer waktu itu, sebagai Cawapres.
Permainan ciamik dari pak Harto tuk menumbangkan calon ratu kembar.

Konon katanya Gus Dur turut menyumbang kejatuhan LBM juga.
Di saat LBM sedang kuat-kuatnya, tiba-tiba Gus Dur menghembuskan wacana bahwaorang non Muslim boleh jadi presiden di Indonesia.
Siapa lagi yang dimaksud kalau bukan LBM.
Rakyat ngamuk besar, dan Gus Dur pun dihujat.
Namun penolakan keras nan spontan rakyat (baca Muslim), membuat ciut para non Muslim untuk mewujudkan ambisinya menaikkan LBM sebagai presiden di Indonesia.

Wallahu 'alam bissawab.

Papa Fariz

----- Original Message -----

Keith Ellison the First American Muslim Legislator

By A. Fatih Syuhud

Keith Ellison has made American political history. As the victoriousDemocrat in Tuesday's mid-term elections for a seat in the U.S. Houseof Representatives, Ellison is the first African American Congressmanfrom the Midwestern state of Minnesota and the first Muslim legislatorever elected to Capitol Hill. It was, however, neither race norreligion but social issues that were the focus of his successful runfor Congress.His win along with many other democrats have made a historicturn-around as far as American politic goes: (1) He's the first Muslimto be ever elected as American legislator; (2) Democrats controls theHouse of Representative after 12 years.For us in Indonesia, where Muslims are in majority, having a minoritypersonality to occupy high level offices is not an issue at all evenduring the authoritarian rule of Suharto. Benny Moerdani, a devoutCatholic, for example, got the Defence Ministry portfolio duringSuharto's regime, something unthinkable ever happen in America orBritain, the forefront campaigner of democracy.Marie Pangestu, an economist is now holding Trade ministry officeunder Presiden SBY (Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono), the firstdirectly-elected Indonesian president, and there are many more whobelongs to non-Muslim communities who hold important executiveportfolios.So, to see the brouhaha over the election of Keith Ellison, and mindyou he's elected 'only' as legislator and NOT as minister/secretary ofsignificant post, is ludicrous from Indonesian Muslim perspective.One main idea of democracy--and why I wholeheartedly support it-- isthe concept of equality and pluralism. Every single individual shouldbe seen on his/her personality, capability and skill and what one cando and contribute to the nation. Any prejudiced or discriminatory acton personal preferences --be it a religion, ethnicity or politicalleaning--should not be a hindrance to occupy a certain importantgovernment offices. Post-independent Indonesia has done just that.America, as a nation many other countries look up to as dynamicprecendence of democracy, should encourage many other "Keith Ellisons"to be elected and occupy important duties. Right-wingers honeymoon forthe time being is over. I'm looking forward to seeing America as afriend of the world under Democrat and I'm looking forward to seeinganother "Clintons" not "Bushes" sitting on the oval offices.The main problem with the Republican post-9/11 is the pre-emptiveaction policy meaning that you will be invaded and destroyed, justlike Iraq, if you're dreaming of or conceived to be dreaming of,attacking America. And as it happens to Iraq, no parties involved inthe quagmire; neither Iraq nor US, are safe. Not now, nor is it in theforeseeable future. America should heal the wound quickly and makereconciliatory gesture to the world before everything comes too late.American people, by electing Democrats, should be seen as stepping into the direction of reconciliation. We, however, still need to seeanother verdict in two years time whether they (American people) willmake another "Bush" or "Clinton" as their special envoy to the worldpeace.

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